In the last minuteStill Just in time
Specials & offers for people who are flexible
Last-minute holiday at the Almdorf Flachau
Check out our special offers and get a great deal when booking your holiday in our Almdorf huts and Promi Alm chalets.
Pleasure cycling from October 06th to Novemer 30th, 2024
If you book 3 nights or more, each person will receive a free trekking bike for 1 day. Enjoy cycling along the Enns cycle path (named after the river) and explore the towns of Flachau, Altenmarkt and Radstadt and get to know the country and its people.
WAU-WAU flat rate
Pack your furry friend and let’s go…. 06.-30.11.2024
Chalet for 2 people with private sauna
Wau-Wau-Special: 1 dog free, each additional dog €5 per day
from Euro 190 per night